1. Setting the stage

The actual code of the page begins with : It begins with the declaration <html>DOCTYPE html> to tell the coding environment that it is an HTML file.
It embeds the English language by using the <html lang=”en”>.
It, within the <head> section, specifies character encoding to UTF-8 to support all characters and make the layout of the website change based on display size.
By default, the title of the website is set as “HTML Project”.

2. Building the structure

The body section of the website comprises of all the content that is formulated and published on web page.
It employs tables to categorise the contents into sections and to generate the structure of the site.

3. Creating the header

It has a header in form of the first table with a red background.
It displays the company name “Sparkify Solutions” and links for navigation: The four major links Include: Home, About, the Services offered, and the Contact link.

4. Home Section

The second one creates Home section with black background color Subscribe.
This website has a greeting message that extends a welcome to the company’s clients and services that the company offers.

5. About Section

The third table forms the ‘About’ section which has a black background like the first table.
It consists of information about the company, its services offered together with a photo of the working team.

6. Services Section

The forth table defines the Services section with the gray color in the background.
It shows images of different services which might be connected to more information available.

7. Contact Section

The last table defines the Contact section having the background color of dark gray.
It gives the members of the site an opportunity to leave a message for the company including their name, email and the message itself.
The form has text boxes to fill in the information with the options to enter text and a submit button.

Key Points

The code usually relied on tables in HTML to define the str