FMS Summer Placements: 289 Students Secure Lucrative Internships with an Average Stipend of Rs 2.96

FMS Summer Placements: 289 Students Secure Lucrative Internships with an Average Stipend of Rs 2.96 Lakh

FMS Students Land Prestigious Internships
In a remarkable feat, 289 students from the Faculty of Management Studies (FMS) have successfully secured summer placements, showcasing the institution’s stellar reputation and the high calibre of its students. This year, the average stipend for these internships has reached an impressive Rs 2.96 lakh, reflecting both the students’ potential and the market’s confidence in their capabilities.

Top Companies Vie for FMS Talent
The summer placement season at FMS saw a diverse array of top-tier companies vying to onboard their students. Leading firms across various sectors, such as finance, consulting, marketing, and technology, participated in the recruitment drive. The presence of such esteemed companies underscores the trust and value they place on the skills and knowledge imparted by FMS.

Breakdown of Sector-Wise Placements
Finance: This sector attracted a significant portion of FMS talent. Students have bagged roles in investment banking, corporate finance, and asset management, with companies like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, and HSBC leading the recruitment.
Consulting: Prestigious consulting firms such as McKinsey & Company, Boston Consulting Group, and Bain & Company extended offers to many students, highlighting the strategic thinking and problem-solving skills honed at FMS.
Marketing: The marketing domain saw enthusiastic participation from FMCG giants and e-commerce leaders. Companies like Unilever, Procter & Gamble, and Amazon offered roles that will help students craft their expertise in brand management and digital marketing.
Technology: With the growing emphasis on digital transformation, tech firms such as Google, Microsoft, and Adobe recruited FMS students for roles in product management, analytics, and business development.
Students’ Perspective: Beyond the Stipend
While the average stipend of Rs 2.96 lakh i